Posts Tagged ‘dumbbells home’

How to swing dumbbells. Exercises with dumbbells at home



How to swing dumbbells. Exercises with dumbbells at home. Training system "Sport Class"


We recommend buying for training only collapsible dumbbells with the ability to change their weight, since training with dumbbells is based on the principle of progressive overload. This is a type of training, when the training weight of the projectile is constantly increasing. This is done gradually with a slight increase in weight. Without an increase in training weight dumbbells count on good and fast results does not make sense. As the main rule of the program of training with dumbbells at home, as we have said, is the principle of over load.

There are more than a hundred different exercises in bodybuilding, fitness and aerobics training programs, but of this variety, twenty exercises are enough for a beginner. The effectiveness of the initial course of twenty exercises is more than enough to strengthen the muscle mass and prepare the body for more serious loads. By training about two or three days a week and spending about an hour of time on it, you can easily tighten your muscles, make your body attractive and beautiful, improve your health, strengthen your musculoskeletal system and joints. This effect can be achieved if you buy only a couple of dumbbells and find time for training.

Training program with dumbbells at home

Explosive Dumbbell Exercises for Faster Running –

One of the main principles in training with dumbbells is their intensity. The technique of training with dumbbells differs from other workouts in two points: intensity and regularity. When doing strength exercises with dumbbells, try to train very intensively, since the higher the pace of training, the faster and better the result. This principle can be called the main! Also, do not forget to increase the weight of the dumbbells that you do.

Chest Exercise – Decline 1 Arm Dumbbell Bench Press

The second principle is regularity. It is as important as the intensity. To achieve obvious results, exercises with dumbbells should be done regularly. The minimum rate for which you can see a clear result that suits you, is designed for a period of about three months. If you dumbbell not to swing regularly, with long pauses and intervals, it is better not to take up the dumbbells at all, so as not to spoil your mood with unrealized hopes.

The third basic principle of all professional athletes is that it is impossible to achieve results by training alone. For successful sports you must follow a specific diet or nutrition program. It should not always be high-calorie food. If you want to lose weight, food should be moderate. If you need to gain muscle mass, then your diet should consist of high-calorie foods rich in carbohydrates and fats. Thus Anabolic Steroids For Sale, you must eat so that your food is fully consistent with your desires.

Lat Pulldown and Bent Over Dumbbell Row, Two Exercises to Develop and Strengthen Your Upper-Back – Personal Trainer Raleigh NC

Remember that your success depends equally on the right sports nutrition and proper training with dumbbells. This is one. If you eat right and lie on the couch, then you will not overwhelm. Similarly, if you dumbbell correctly, but you don’t eat properly, you will not achieve the desired result either.

Dumbbell strength exercises

Also andriol testocaps for sale, do not forget about one more principle of a successful person who always achieves his goals. You should always have a high and positive mood. If in the process of strength exercises with dumbbells you begin to think or suspect that you cannot achieve the desired result, then you will lose motivation and will definitely achieve your goal. Always keep in mind the following, that no workout will not be wasted, but gives only benefits to your health. You will have a athletic body and beautiful posture. You will always be in good shape. You will have a disciplined nature. Due to constant training, the immune system will improve, you will be less likely to get sick with the most common cold, etc. Good mood has an effect, but the opposite happens: exercise also improves mood. This positive list goes on and on! You already understand that sports exercises with dumbbells will bring you only benefits.

3 Best Chest Exercises: Flat, Declined, Inclined Dumbbell Presses

Do not dwell on the difficulties that can wait for you ahead, just exercise for yourself and for your health. Believe me, you are not the only one who takes the first step in the sport, all successful bodybuilders were ordinary people at first, and then gradually achieved success. You too can achieve! The main thing is not to lose a positive attitude and train correctly, then you will definitely achieve your goal.

Finally, I will share my personal experience and principles that I myself adhere to. Here are two simple tips. Never look too much at yourself in the mirrors after training. This has the opposite effect! If you often look at yourself, your eyes will not notice the changes that occur in your body and will not see the success you achieve, which can lead to sports depression. Do not look and do not admire the athletes who have already achieved strong muscle mass, and achieved the goal that you are trying to achieve. Do not follow the example of professional athletes. Most likely your results will be more modest. If you look at them, then your own achievements may seem insignificant to you, because of which your mood may fall, your desire to train will disappear and depression will arise. But we will not finish Exercises for slimming the abdomen, sides and waist this description on minor notes.

13 Best Dumbbell Exercises For Strong, Chiseled Arms

You need to strive for perfection, perfection can be achieved!

The 4-Week Dumbbell Workout Plan Part 4: Shoulders | Fitness Workouts & Exercises

Next: How to choose a dumbbell


dumbbells home, Dumbbell Exercises, muscle mass, strength exercises, your health

A set of exercises with dumbbells at home



Dumbbell Exercises Lifting dumbbells Programming Week Samsung Galaxy Starting position standing abdominal muscles back muscles back straight bench press dumbbell bench dumbbell bench press dumbbells home dumbbells shoulders dumbbells women feet shoulder-width feet shoulder-width apart first time long time lower back lower dumbbells muscle growth muscle mass need dumbbells need dumbbells weighing pectoral muscles position repeat position standing return starting shoulder girdle shoulder-width apart slightly bent stand straight starting position starting position repeat strength exercises strength training uneven bars weight gain your arms your back your hands your head your health your legs

A set of exercises with dumbbells at home


  • 7 Kettlebell & Dumbbell Shoulder Exercises to Build Strength, Muscle & Power | BOXROX
  • The Top Ten Dumbbell Exercises For Building Strength and Muscle
  • Top 5 Dumbbell Exercises You Should Be Doing | Generation Iron
  • Best 4 Benefits of Dumbbell and Bodyweight Exercises For Women
  • 12 Best Dumbbell Exercises For Shoulders
  • Seated Dumbbell Curl | Exercise Videos & Guides |
  • Top Dumbbell Exercises You Should Be Doing – Garage Fit
Why dumbbells for basketball

A set of exercises with dumbbells at home

15 basic exercises with dumbbells that can be performed at home. 3 books on the selection and technique of exercises. Video.

Exercises with dumbbells are preferred by more and more athletes around the world. The reason for this popularity lies in the very principle of training with dumbbells: burdening the natural movements of the trainee athlete, thereby increasing the natural load on the muscles. The second reason is that for a quality workout it is not necessary to go to the gym: a couple of square meters and the available tools (for example, a chair) are enough. So, in relation to the space occupied and the effectiveness of the exercises, dumbbells can give odds to many expensive professional simulators.

7 Kettlebell & Dumbbell Shoulder Exercises to Build Strength, Muscle & Power | BOXROX

And if you add accessibility to all of the above (second-hand dumbbells are not so expensive), reliability (how can you break it?) And ease of use – you get a universal home simulator that can fit in a shoe box!

Dumbbell training

Regular and systematic exercises with dumbbells will allow you to not only smoothly build muscle, but also lose weight (high-intensity workouts with small weights), improve dexterity and speed, develop endurance. Dumbbells are a good way to keep yourself in good shape: just 20-30 minutes of doing dumbbell exercises will significantly Training in the heat of how much to drink, how to eat reduce the risk of injury.

The only thing that is not recommended to do with dumbbells until 14 years of age: an increase in loads can only damage the body that has not yet fully formed. Well, after 60 years, it is better not to load yourself with weight training.

By the way, if you still think that you can only pump your arms with dumbbells, I have to disappoint you! Performing workouts with dumbbells, you can use such muscles as:



forearm muscles;

shoulder girdle;

The Top Ten Dumbbell Exercises For Building Strength and Muscle


Top 5 Dumbbell Exercises You Should Be Doing | Generation Iron

leg muscles;

back muscles (including the lower back);

Natural movements

neck muscles, etc.

A few words about why dumbbells for basketball players. The beauty lies in the fact that with the help of a dumbbell you can simulate almost any movement performed in the game itself. For example, you can easily imitate a throwing motion (first, at a customary pace, raising your arms up with simultaneous straightening at the elbow joint) – which will stabilize the throw. Imagine that you jump out with the simultaneous raising of both hands (especially important when trying to prevent the ball from being thrown under the ring and not getting a personal note) – only hold the dumbbells in your hands. With this exercise you can make the jump more explosive, pump up the press and real dianabol for sale ignore the light touches of the hands when throwing. Well, in general, you understand what I mean?

Exercises with dumbbells at home

And now it was the turn of the most interesting: I will tell you about the complex of exercises with dumbbells. More precisely, about one of the variants of the exercise book, which will allow you to effectively develop the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, as well as strengthen the back, lower back and neck. Yes, and we will work the legs too.

Start with a warm-up. Cold muscles cannot train with the same efficiency as hot muscles, i.e. heated muscles. A good workout consists of 2 parts. The first is to raise the body temperature, and it doesn’t matter how you do it. The main thing that it was exercise.

The second part of the workout should warm up those muscles that will undergo training. Physiologically, it sounds like this: to cause an outflow of blood from the abdominal cavity to the arms (legs, torso). In addition, warming up and warm-up will allow the body to provide a protective lubricant – synovial fluid.

Best 4 Benefits of Dumbbell and Bodyweight Exercises For Women

Now, actually, the exercises themselves:

Dumbbell bench press from behind the head (working on the triceps).

Bending the arms with dumbbells while sitting with a turn (working out the biceps).

Squatting with dumbbells (hips and buttocks).

Lumbar attacks (on hips and buttocks).

Rises on socks with dumbbells.

Arm press on triceps.

Bending the arms with dumbbells while sitting in a straight path (biceps).

12 Best Dumbbell Exercises For Shoulders

T matter how you

Dumbbell bench press (on the chest muscles, triceps, shoulders).

Dumbbell in the slope (upper back and biceps).

Seated Dumbbell Curl | Exercise Videos & Guides |

Lifting dumbbells with a turn sitting (shoulders and triceps work).

Breeding dumbbells lying (chest).

Breeding dumbbells standing (shoulder girdle).

Dumbbell bench press with a turn sitting (shoulder girdle).

Breeding dumbbells in a standing tilt (shoulder girdle).

Dumbbell bench press on an incline bench (chest).

Top Dumbbell Exercises You Should Be Doing – Garage Fit

In principle, these exercises with dumbbells, which you can easily perform at home, should be enough to work out your muscles with high quality. It’s not even easy to work out, but to increase the available muscles by working out muscles from different angles (the basis of effective training premarin online).

What is the key to successful training, besides motivation? The correct answer is correct exercise. This is the plus of the gym: a good coach will always come up and point out mistakes. Tell me how to fix them. What to do to those who decided to wave dumbbells at home? Especially for you, I prepared a small book on how to do the exercises correctly, how many approaches and repetitions you need to perform.

Download the book at the link: download

And I strongly recommend that you read such books as:

Kurt Brungardt – The Perfect Press

Kurt Brungardt – The ideal muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle

Kurt Brungardt – The ideal arm muscles

And on this article is over, I wish you successful training and see you soon on the pages of our site.

shoulder girdle, bench press, dumbbell bench, dumbbell bench press

A set of exercises with dumbbells and a ball for independent performance. – physical education, presentations



Dumbbell Exercises Lifting dumbbells Programming Week Samsung Galaxy Starting position standing abdominal muscles back muscles back straight bench press dumbbell bench dumbbell bench press dumbbells home dumbbells shoulders dumbbells women feet shoulder-width feet shoulder-width apart first time long time lower back lower dumbbells muscle growth muscle mass need dumbbells need dumbbells weighing pectoral muscles position repeat position standing return starting shoulder girdle shoulder-width apart slightly bent stand straight starting position starting position repeat strength exercises strength training uneven bars weight gain your arms your back your hands your head your health your legs

A set of exercises with dumbbells and a ball for independent performance. – physical education, presentations


  • Best Dumbbell Exercises For Strong, Chiseled Arms
  • Exercise Over Head Dumbbell Extension – your partner at the gym
  • Dumbbell Pullovers Exercise Demonstration
  • Shoulders Exercise | Mid Delts Lateral Dumbbell Raises | Shoulder Workout Video | 4 Fitness Rules
  • Forearm exercises with dumbbells | Dumbbell exercises for forearms
  • Alternate Seated Dumbbell Front Raise: Video Exercise Guide & Tips
  • How to Exercise With Water Dumbbells : Life & Exercise
  • Exercise Dumbbell Skull Crusher – your partner at the gym
  • 6-Set Grey Dumbbell Weight Fitness Indoor Outdoor Sport Gym Lifting Exercise New | eBay
You need to become

A set of exercises with dumbbells and a ball for independent performance. – physical education, presentations

Dumbbell bench press lying down Lie on the floor or on a horizontal bench. Take in the hands of dumbbells. The inner sides of the forearm should be directed

A set of exercises with dumbbells and a ball

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Best Dumbbell Exercises For Strong, Chiseled Arms

1. Dumbbell bench press from the chest

Lie on the floor or on a horizontal bench. Take in the hands of dumbbells. The inner sides of the forearm should be perpendicular to the body. Elbows bend along the body. Tighten your chest and, while breathing in, squeeze the dumbbells up over your chest. Slowly lower the dumbbells to the chest on the exhale, bending the arms at the elbows. Repeat the exercise several times.


2. Exercise for leg muscles

For the full study of the legs, we need such an exercise as lunges. It will help load the muscles of the hips and buttocks. To perform it is necessary to push the right leg forward and lower the body down, and move the dumbbells to the right leg. The left leg is retracted, the knee is hanging down, and the toe is touching the floor. Perform movement alternately on each leg.

Exercise Over Head Dumbbell Extension – your partner at the gym


3. Press inclined bench bench

Lie on a sloping bench at an angle of 30-45 degrees. Take the dumbbells and pull the arms bent at the elbows to the sides so that the shoulders and inner sides of the forearms are actually at right angles to the body. While inhaling, slowly lift the dumbbells up until they touch the outside. Return to the starting position – exhale. Repeat the exercise several times.


4. Squatting with dumbbells can be safely attributed to the basic movement. It allows you to load almost all areas of the legs. ?You put your legs shoulder-width apart, you can even put them wider. There are dumbbells in your hands, then move the body back slightly, your back should be level, lower until the dumbbells touch the floor. Do at least 10 repetitions.


5. Dumbbell tilt

Put your left knee on the bench. The back should be parallel to the floor. Use your left hand to stop, and take a dumbbell in your right. While inhaling, pull the dumbbell up. On the exhale, lower the dumbbell. Repeat several times, then do the exercise with your other hand.


Dumbbell Pullovers Exercise Demonstration

6. Dumbbell traction lying down on the bench

Lie on the bench belly down. Take dumbbells in both hands. While inhaling, lift the dumbbells up to chest level. On the exhale, lower the dumbbells down. Repeat the exercise several times.

Shoulders Exercise | Mid Delts Lateral Dumbbell Raises | Shoulder Workout Video | 4 Fitness Rules


7. Triceps exercises

Standing take a dumbbell and bring it over your head. While inhaling we lower the projectile to the level of 90 degrees Try to keep your elbows flat so that they do not disperse. Then, lift the dumbbell to its original position. Accentuate your elbows and triceps throughout the approach. Also, you can do the exercise on one arm. In this embodiment, you need to hold one hand over your head and the other to put on the belt. Lower the dumbbell behind the head to the level of the ears. Perform at least 10 reps per set.


8. Projectiles to the chin

The third exercise is performed while standing on the floor, legs together, knees slightly bent. Hands with dumbbells lowered along the body. Bending your elbows to a 90 degree angle, lift the dumbbells towards your armpits. In this case, the elbows should be turned out and bred forward. If done correctly, only the shoulder muscles work.

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9. Exercise dead thrust

Forearm exercises with dumbbells | Dumbbell exercises for forearms

It will stretch the muscles of the hips and buttocks. You need to become straight, legs set shoulder-width apart. Lower the body down, and the back should be level with the legs. You can slightly pull the buttocks back, so you more load this area.

Return to the


10. Breeding hands to the side

To perform the exercise, bend the torso at a right angle forward, keep your legs shoulder-width apart. We lower hands with dumbbells down, palms inward. We begin to raise our arms to the sides. They should be straight, but you can slightly bend them in the elbows. The body should be kept in the slope for the Alpha Pharma in USA or UK duration of all repetitions.

With a ball

11. Twisting with raised legs.

We lie down on the floor, legs bend and lift above the floor. Ball – we clamp between the knees. Hands put his head. Perform twisting, on each rise of the body with your elbows alternately touch the ball.

Alternate Seated Dumbbell Front Raise: Video Exercise Guide & Tips

With a ball

12. Squats + throw the ball.

We throw the ball on the floor, in front of us. While he flies down and bounces up, we do a quick squat. Straightening – catch the ball and repeat the exercise.

13. Twisting with raised legs.

We lie down on the floor, legs bend and lift above the floor. Ball – we clamp between the knees. Hands put his head. Perform twisting, on each rise of the body with your elbows alternately touch the ball.

With a ball

14. Lunge + body turns.

We become straight, we hold the ball with two straightened arms at chest level. We make a broad lunge forward, at the same time – turn the body (to the left on the first lunge, to the right – on the second).

15. Twisting + passing the ball.

We lie down on the floor, legs straight, the ball is clamped in the arms straightened above the head. We carry out twisting: we tear off the head and shoulders from the floor, at the same time we bend the legs at the knees. Straight arms down and pinch the ball between the knees. Return to the starting position. On the second twisting – again we take the ball in our hands and raise our hands above our head.

How to Exercise With Water Dumbbells : Life & Exercise

With a ball

16. Squatting + Mahi hands.

Perform squats with a wide arrangement of legs. Hands extended forward, the ball – clamped between the palms. During the squat we lower straight arms down, while straightening our legs, we lift it above our head.

17. Bridge for the buttocks

The legs are located on the ball. Take a starting position, place your feet on the projectile. As you exhale, place your heels on the ball and lift the pelvis up. Do not arch your back, but keep it straight. Dip in the original position. Perform an exercise on a gymnastic ball 15 times.

18. Exercise for the muscles of the hips and waist

Lie on your side, position the ball in the ankles. Straining the lateral muscles of the abdomen, tear off the legs from the floor (as high as possible). Hold this position, squeeze the ball 20 times. Raise your legs even higher and squeeze another 10 bills. Return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.

Exercise Dumbbell Skull Crusher – your partner at the gym

With a ball

19. Stand with your legs straight and shoulder width apart. Shoulders straighten. Take the ball in your hands and stretch them in front of you, trying not to bend your elbows. On the count of times – holding the ball, raise your arms above your head, try to maintain this position for 3-5 seconds, on the count of two – bend back and fix this position for another 5 seconds. Slowly return to the starting position.

With a ball

6-Set Grey Dumbbell Weight Fitness Indoor Outdoor Sport Gym Lifting Exercise New | eBay

20. Pick up the ball and stand straight. Holding the ball with one hand, start the execution of circular movements, and having performed a semicircle with the hand holding the ball, transfer it above the head and at the lower point of rotation to the other hand. This hand, completing its part of the rotation, passes the ball back. Such a constant cycle must be performed within 30-40 seconds.

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your elbows, starting position, down floor, floor legs