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4 exercises to develop a powerful muscular chest

exercises to develop a powerful muscular chest

Building athletic pectoral muscles is not always an easy task. These muscles do not develop from indirect exercises to other groups, such as hands or trapezoids, and react only to heavy intensive training muscular chest. Meanwhile, they play the main role in the physique of the athlete, whether it is the front or side view of the torso. Powerful nursing always emphasizes not only the experience of the bodybuilder, but also the effectiveness of his training. Here is a complex of training of the muscles of the chest, consisting of 4 exercises performed in an intensive style.

The program is performed once a week at the beginning of the workout:

  1. muscular chestPress the bar on a horizontal bench muscular chest: 5 sets (3 warm-up – 15-10 repetitions, 2 workers – 8-6 repetitions). Rest 90 seconds.
  2. Dumbbell press on the inclined bench head up: 3 sets (1 warm-up – 12 repetitions, 2 workers – 10-8 repetitions). Rest 2 minutes.
  3. Supertet of 2 exercises: push-ups on the uneven bars + reduction of hands in the Peck-Dec simulator, 3 approaches (bars – 10-12 repetitions + pec-dec – 10 slow repetitions).

Exercise peck-de note: Weight in the Peck-Dec simulator should be chosen so that to perform repetitions slowly and without jerking. This is an isolating exercise, here in the first place is the technique of movements and mental concentration on the functioning of the pectoral muscles. Rest between the approaches in other exercises – 90 seconds.

This complex is designed to combine power basic exercises, powerfully working muscle fibers, with an insulating blood-filling exercise, which has a slightly different, pumping effect. This combination shocks the muscles and they react to this with qualitative growth. Push-ups on the uneven bars for the pair with the information of the hands are not chosen by chance. After the first two basic movements, push-ups on the uneven bars modify the thoracic, and the information creates an intensified pumping effect of blood filling, which, in combination with heavy exercises, acts on the muscles just fine muscular chest.

Ronnie Coleman in 1998

The main technique of Ronnie Coleman

Ronnie Coleman – 8-fold Mr. Olympia and one of the most powerful athletes in the history of bodybuilding. Coleman’s uniqueness lies in the fact that unlike other multiple champions of Olympia, he won his first statue of Sandov not at once, but only after years of struggle for the championship title. And then he managed to become the best eight times in a row, which in general goes beyond all the historical records in this tournament. The same result was achieved only by Lee Haney.

At his first victorious Olympia in 1998, Ronnie looked phenomenal, it was truly a breakthrough of the year, the best achievement in the bodybuilding world of those years. But what caused such an impressive transformation of the athlete, which many initially did not take seriously as a real competitor for the title of Mr. Olympia? Ronnie Coleman found the key to his physiology, by trial and error he groped for that training system that operated on him incredibly effectively. And only then, from year to year, he trained precisely according to this scheme, practically unchanged, becoming more and more. When, before the next tournament, Mr. Olympia, journalists asked him about the changes in the training mode, Ronnie replied that he had not changed anything, why change what is working?

Ronnie Coleman

The road to the summit began in 1992, when Ronnie Coleman first appeared at the main competition in professional bodybuilding. Then, the future king of bodybuilding impressed few, and appeared not even in the top ten, taking a place below the 15th. Certainly, it cannot be called a loud start, nor his brightest appearance, there was no question. But Ronnie did not embarrass, he continued training and continued searching for the right system. In 1993, Coleman missed Olympia, realizing that he was not ready for a full fight for the title. The competitions of 1994-95 did not bring the expected results either, Coleman came in only 15th and 11th place. The first impressionable results were noticeable at Olympia 96, when Ronnie suddenly breaks into the ranks and is in the top six, performing in the finals and finishing 6th. In 1997, Ronnie “slips out” a bit, taking 9th place in the ranking of the world’s strongest athletes. And here in this period of time, between 1997 and 1998, in the career of Coleman there are significant changes. His triumphal procession begins with the Grand Prix of Russia 97, where in the finals he defeated Kevin Levron, who had always beat him before. Then Coleman wins a professional tournament in Toronto, the tournament “The Night of Champions 98”, while significantly improving his shape and becoming more and more muscular. When he appeared on Olympia 98, it was already quite another Ronnie Coleman. His unreal appearance shook the fans and judges, and won the first title, Mr. Olympia in his career. And everything else is history.

Mr. Olympia Competition in 1998

Ronnie Coleman - Mr. Olympia 1998

So, which system worked for Coleman 100%? Periodization of training, alternation of strength training and pumping with a large number of approaches and repetitions. Although many Methodists called the Coleman system a completely new type of training, rather than a simple periodization. Ronnie himself later recalled that when he began training, he was a pure security official, he always trained exclusively for strength, with big weights, regularly performing three powerlift exercises: bench press on a horizontal bench, sit-ups and stall. And he continued to do powerlifting via the new scheme, as he is convinced that it has an excellent influence on the growth of the total mass of muscles. Then, over time, Ronnie decided to add exercises with light weights to his power complex and immediately began to notice the new progress in the growth of muscle mass. When Coleman fully applied this method during the period 1997-98, his muscles literally “exploded”, in just one year he achieved surprising progress, which he would have taken many years before.

Ronnie Coleman’s training programme: can anyone follow it?

Of course, Ronnie Coleman’s program is created for advanced athletes, whose muscle growth potential is already thoroughly exhausted from the usual methods. But, at the same time, anyone can follow his training program, since it is not necessary to perform such a large number of sets.

In the power exercises, you can perform 3 sets and 4-6 repetitions in each. In the pumping period, instead of five, do four sets with the same exercises in Ronnie Coleman’s training program. The power and pumping periods, divided into 3-9 weeks – this is the most optimal option, since such a small start point allows you to consider factors such as genetics, training experience, the ability to recover after heavy loads, life stresses, etc. A too short period of light training is also not worth it, it plays an important role in recovery and rest for ligaments and joints, as well as for the development of muscle fibers reacting to pumping, but all of the serious work to build strength and mass is carried out in the power section of the program. When it comes to training with large weights in exercises, the body is an indicator of when it’s time to work with heavy weights,

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The training program of Coleman for the majority of people

Ronnie Coleman’s training programme may be too frequent for most people in terms of training days. This is because, for progress to be made, it is necessary to spend the remaining days resting to restore adequately.

But some of the nuances can be noted and applied in other schemes, and most importantly, it is the principle of periodizing the loads with a division into “hard” and “light” days, when the muscles are constantly experiencing positive stress and reacting to training with qualitative growth.

Ronnie Coleman steroid cycles

Coleman has been extremely open about his steroid use during his time competing in Mr.Olympia, since back then, it was all done legally through a doctor with a prescription. He obviously used multiple types of testosterone for his stacked cycles, we know he’s used Testosterone Enanthate for bodybuilding in the past. But, in recent years, his favored testosterone of choice would be Sustanon (a 4-ester testosterone mix) since a single-estered Test just wouldn’t cut it. Learn more about Sustanon 250 cycle benefits here.

Ronnie Coleman bulking cycle

For a bulking cycle, he would also run 1-2 oral steroids in the cycle such as Methandienone (Dianabol) and Oxymetholone (Anadrol) for extra mass. Additionally, he might add another wet bulking steroid like Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca Durabolin) or Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise). At the same time, he would always run a dose of growth hormone (HGH) during his cycles for added protection.

His bulking cycle would have looked something like this:

1100mg / day100mg / day10 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week
2100mg / day100mg / day10 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week
3100mg / day100mg / day10 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week
4100mg / day100mg / day10 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week
5100mg / day100mg / day10 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week
6100mg / day100mg / day10 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week
7  10 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week
8  10 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week
9  10 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week
10  10 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week
11  10 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week
12  10 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week
13  10 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week
14  10 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week

Ronnie Coleman cutting cycle

For cutting down the water weight and fat ready for a competition, Ronnie would have used a cutting steroid like Trenbolone along with his HGH and Sustanon. Additionally, the only oral capable of sucking the water out of the body to provide such a ripped look like Ronnie’s is Stanozolol (Winstrol). Learn more about how to use Winstrol here.

Coleman’s cutting cycle would have looked something like this:

WeekHGHSustanonTren AcetateWinstrol
110 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week 
210 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week 
310 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week 
410 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week 
510 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week 
610 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week 
710 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week100mg / day
810 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week100mg / day
910 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week100mg / day
1010 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week100mg / day
1110 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week100mg / day
1210 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week100mg / day
1310 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week100mg / day
1410 IU / day500mg / week400mg / week100mg / day

The steroid cycle of Coleman for the majority of people

Ronnie Coleman’s steroid cycles are similar in style to his training program and are also aimed at creating explosive muscle growth and definition for professional bodybuilders. Using a combination of injectable steroids, oral steroids, and growth hormone, will likewise put the body under positive stress to provide a stable increase in qualitive growth.

Methods of increasing endurance

Methods of increasing endurance

In an effort to improve their endurance, many athletes begin to intensively perform cardio training, for example, running, an exercise bike, an elliptical trainer, etc., believing that only such loads will lead to the desired result. But this is only a small part of the improvement of the body. For maximum efficiency, you need to increase your strengths, while increasing muscle. For example, as a result of strengthening the muscles of the legs, you can overcome a much greater period of stress in running or cycling, without feeling tired. The increase in the leg muscles, in turn, helps them absorb a significant strain or shock loads that could go into the joints.

The following methods are aimed at an effective increase in endurance:

Perform cardio training after weight training.

increasing enduranceMany perform strength training and aerobic exercise on different days. But in order to increase athletic endurance, it is possible to combine different types of exercise, where cardio training follows the basic power exercises. Such a technique is useful because after multi-joint movements involving most muscle groups, the muscles will be much more actively involved in aerobic work and cardio training will become more effective. For example, you can do squats with a bar on the shoulders (three sets of different exercises are performed one by one without interruption), in which the first number is squat (with a bar or with its own weight), then pulling, and then an elliptical trainer or a quick run. In this case, the weight in the squats with the bar should be moderate to make 8-10 pure repetitions. The number of such trisets is fulfilled by samochustviju.

Reduce the rest time between approaches.

Rest periods between power approaches last mostly 60, 90 or 120 seconds. In order to emphasize the development of endurance, you can shorten the rest time between sets up to 30 seconds. Of course, in this case it will be necessary to reduce the working weight in order to adequately implement the approach, but this training will stimulate the development of endurance.

Exercise is done with moderate weight and a lot of repetition. Human skeletal muscles consist of two types of muscle fibers: white (fast) and red (slow). White muscle fibers are power, they are responsible for explosive gak squats, but do not have the characteristic endurance. Effective training for them is exercises with large weights and a small number of repetitions. And on the contrary, red muscle fibers are responsible for endurance to long loads, but do not have sufficient explosive power. Aiming training of such muscle fibers is to perform sets with moderate weights and a large number of repetitions. For the athlete’s endurance, the red muscle fibers respond, so training should be done with an emphasis for their development.

Multi-joint exercises are the basis.

Basic (multi-joint) exercises work out and tire most of the muscle groups, which means that they already provide for the development of endurance. Especially, if in the program there are several such exercises in a row.

Constant diversity.

enduranceAccording to some experts, the human body gets used to training in two weeks, after which the reaction is significantly reduced. This once again confirms that there is a need for a systematic diversity in the complex, so that the Circle training muscles work, as the first time and reacted as well. This approach is applicable not only in strength training, but also in cardio exercises.

Circuit training.

Highly intensive advanced method for enhanced endurance development. 1 circle consists of 6-10 exercises, which are sequentially executed one after another, one approach. Between exercises of one circle a pause lasts about 30 seconds. At the end of the circle, the pause is 3-4 (or more) minutes. The circle is better to start with the base (multi-joint) exercises, and end with isolating (single-joint) exercises. It is also possible to perform only cardiovascular exercises mixed with single-articular. Number of laps 2-5 or feel. Since this kind of training is extremely intense, the time of training should not exceed 30-60 minutes. Restoration of the organism plays an important role here. Circuit training can not be done often. Only when the muscles have fully recovered and are no longer sick, they are again ready for a serious training.

Development of powerful triceps

Development of powerful triceps

Triceps play a crucial role in athleticism, it is due to their full development and strength, basic bench exercises work all 100%. Any “base”, whether it be exercises on the chest or deltas, requires the power of the triceps in the first place to overcome the serious weight and effectively work out the target muscles, so their strength is decisive, especially if the training is conducted with the maximum impact on high results.

powerful tricepsPhenomenal triceps almost always say that the athlete is able to squeeze incredible weight. For example, the legendary professional bodybuilder Kevin Levron, in his competitive times, demonstrated simply the transcendental development of the triceps, standing out amongst others in this indicator, and of course squeezing fantastic weights in horizontal and inclined pressures. Powerful triceps – strength in the exercises, the connection is direct, and therefore they need to pay close attention to move to the main exercises to a new level.

The triceps are called the triceps muscle of the shoulder, since it consists of three heads (bundles): long, lateral and medial. In any triceps exercise, they work all, but with the press down on the block with a little or less effort for each, so a variety of exercises (usually enough 3 exercises) is the main condition for the progress of these muscles.

Whatever tasks are set, whether it is mass work, with a lot of weight and fewer repetitions, or relief, with a repetition rate of about fifteen and not a big working weight, it is important to always remember the health of elbows. Exercises on the triceps, anyway, load the elbows, so they must be pre-heated. If the triceps are performed after intensive training of the chest or deltas, then you can be sure that the elbows are already warmed up and in each triceps exercise there will be enough 1-2 warm-up approaches, but if the three-headed arm muscle is trained by the first number on a single day, then the warm-up should be given special attention. At least 3 warm-up approaches with the number of repetitions of 20-15 should be done in the first exercise, before moving to a more serious weight. The first one is better than the French press of the EZ-bar lying down to fill the press down on the block. The block, with its continuous target load, perfectly kneads the elbows, while the lateral and long heads are effectively worked through. Periodically, it is necessary to change the grip to the opposite, in this case the stress is shifted to the medial head from the lateral head. The second exercise is followed by the French bench press (with EZ-neck or straight). This tricepsexercise works fine for all three triceps, and, since the elbows are already warmed up, after two warm-up sets you can perform 2-3 power approaches for 8-10 repetitions. The third in the complex is the most difficult and key triceps exercise – press the dumbbells with both hands because of the head sitting. The dumbbell press is performed on a bench with a vertically raised back. It would be logical to assume that if this is the most difficult movement, then it must be done at the beginning. The uniqueness of the exercise is that, along with the shock load, Gint dumbbells with both hands due to the head of the sidyryps, developing its strength and volume, the dumbbell press perfectly stretches the three-headed at the lower point of the amplitude, and this advantage will work effectively only if the triceps will be preliminarily tired of the two previous exercises. Just at this moment, and comes the turn of a heavy press of a dumbbell, a tired triceps will undergo intensive work-up and stretching, as a result of which all three bundles will receive a powerful stimulus to growth. Pressing a dumbbell is a dangerous exercise, a muscle “failure” can come instantly, and it is extremely difficult to return a dumbbell at the end of the set, therefore, insurance and the assistance of a team-mate will be very useful here.

Complex for triceps (if triceps are trained after a breast or delt, warm-up and working approaches are less: warm-up – 1-2, workers – 2-3).

  1. Press down on the block: 3 warm-up sets – 20-15 repetitions, 3 working sets – 12-10 repetitions;
  2. French bar press bench: 2 warm-up sets – 12 reps, 2-3 working sets – 8-10 reps;
  3. The press was dumbbells with both hands from behind the head while sitting: 2 warm-up sets – 12 repetitions, 1-2 working sets – 8-10 repetitions.

Sustanon Beginner Cycle: Fill instruction

sustanon 250 cycle

By itself, Sustanon 250 represents the combination of 4 testosterone esters, including testosterone propionate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate, and decanoate. These esters are absorbed into the bloodstream at different speeds, which ensures a consecutive release and a uniform effect. Sustanon supports a high concentration of the hormone in the blood throughout the cycle. This is why the steroid is loved by many amateur and professional bodybuilders (it is commonly found in Ronnie Coleman steroid cycles.)

I’m not going to cover what order testosterone starts to work in the body, as a more in-depth study is necessary and only professionals need to know. Beginners should simply use anabolic steroids under the supervision of an experienced athlete with knowledge in pharmacology, to clearly observe the of cycle length and dosage, to monitor the results, and not to miss PCT.

Sustanon 250 effects: what you can expect

The Sustanon cycle can be a good way to gain muscle mass. One of the main effects is an increase in strength and muscle size, in fact, it is for this reason people take Sustanon. Due to the high concentration of testosterone, appetite also improves to fuel the growth of muscles, especially muscles like biceps and triceps. Also the good thing about testosterone is experiencing healthy sleep, good recovery, improved libido, and sexual desire.

You can use Sustanon 250 in a solo cycle, but in bodybuilding, in order to achieve the best results, its better to use combined cycles. There are a variety of mass-gaining cycles that can be run with the participation of Sustanon 250. We will talk about the various combinations, how to run them and post-cycle therapy.

Proper Sustanon 250 cycle dosage

The best Sustanon dosage for beginners would be from 250mg up to a maximum of 500mg per week. This is a typical Sustanon dose range for most users. Professional bodybuilders and advanced steroid users may increase the weekly dose up to 750mg or even 1g if their body tolerates the testosterone mixture well.

Due to the long-acting nature of the steroid, Sustanon 250 injections only need to be performed once per week. However, some Sustanon users may find that 2 injections per week maintains their hormone levels better. This is down to personal preference and what feels most appropriate for your own body.

When it comes to Sustanon 250 cycle length, the duration should be at least 6 weeks, but bodybuilders will generally run the steroid mix for 10-12 weeks to gain the most benefits from taking the steroid.

Sustanon 250 cutting cycle

A Sustanon 250 solo cycle will be most beneficial for bulking, therefore, when planning to take Sustanon for cutting, other steroids should be added to the cycle. This may include cutting steroids like Stanozolol (Winstrol), Drostanolone Enanthate (Masteron), and others. Find helpful instructions on how to take Winstrol or the correct Masteron dosage with Sustanon here.

Also, an aromatase inhibitor, such as anastrozole (Arimidex), is highly advised to be taken throughout the cycle to reduce water retention. This will ensure only lean muscle is built during the cycle. 

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What goes well with Sustanon 250?

1. For beginners to stacking Sustanon, it is combined with methandienone (Dianabol) for muscle growth and strength. But for experienced users, ideally you need to add oxymetholone (Anadrol) instead. The Sustanon cycle with the addition of either of these oral steroids should last no longer than 6 weeks. Injections of Sustanon should be injected once per week at a dosage of 1ml (250mg). Take Dianabol at 40mg daily (or Anadrol at 50mg daily) for 4 weeks.

This cycle is characterized by the fact that oral bulking steroids like Dianabol or Anadrol will give a very strong effect at the start of the cycle. This Sustanon stack provides a quick set of muscle mass, so those who want lean mass and definition – this cycle is not for you. Post-cycle therapy for this cycle should begin 10 days after the last injection of Sustanon. For PCT, use clomid for a length of 14 days.

2. Another type of Sustanon cycle is inspired by Ronnie Coleman himself and combines Sustanon 250 with Stanozolol (Winstrol), Dianabol and Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca Durabolin). This cycle is designed for professionals – it will help to build muscle mass, but Winstrol will also promote the burning of fat. However, this cycle is not suitable for beginners, since it is composed of a large number of anabolic steroids, and hormonal balance may be adversely affected. But for those who have been using steroids for a long time, this is an ideal cycle, which is practically harmless.

The duration of this cycle is 10 weeks. The Dianabol is taken for the first 4 weeks at 40mg a day. The Deca needs to be injected at a dosage of 200mg per week. Sustanon is injected at a dosage of 500mg weekly. During the last 4 weeks of the cycle, Stanozolol at 40mg a day is used to burn fat.

Most common Sustanon side effects

While running a cycle of Sustanon, testosterone levels in the blood rise slowly, so side effects are not very fast and can be easily avoided.

A large amount of testosterone in the body can begin to convert into estrogen, which causes estrogenic side effects in men. These side effects may include excess water retention, fat retention, and gynecomastia (man boobs). In this case it is recommended to take anastrozole during the Sustanon cycle – which is an effective estrogen blocker. The dosage of anastrozole is 0.5-1 tablet every 1-2 days.

Testosterone is also a highly androgenic steroid so side effects such as acne, hair loss, excess hair growth and virilization in women, are possible with the use of Sustanon. Therefore, this powerful androgen is not advised to be used by females.

The steroid will strongly suppress the natural production of testosterone in men, which can restore itself within about 3-4 months. But, to accelerate the process, Gonadotropin can be used during the Sustanon cycle and anti-estrogens should be used for PCT.

Sustanon 250 PCT: Important notes to everyone who wants to start cycling

Since anabolic steroids affect the hormonal background, post-cycle therapy cannot be ignored. If you experience any side effects – all of this can be prevented by the use of PCT.

PCT starts after a break of one week after the last injection of Sustanon. For the first 2 weeks, take clomid at 50mg a day, then reduce the dosage by half per day. The full PCT length is 4 weeks.

Sustanon benefits

The advantages of taking Sustanon over other testosterone steroids, like using Testosterone Enanthate in bodybuilding for example, are vast.

Firstly, the steroid mix is fast-acting as well as long-acting, so testosterone levels are increased quickly and remain high for longer in the body.

Secondly, those that are not fond of injections prefer to use this form of testosterone since the required frequency of injections is minimal.

Thirdly, Sustanon can be used to gain significant mass in bulking cycles or to burn fat in cutting cycles.

Sustanon results: before and after

This steroid mixture is particularly versatile and effective when you know what you’re doing with it.

When bulking, it will help a beginner gain an average of 15lbs per month while getting shredded (and this is only during a solo cycle). When Sustanon is combined with another mass-gaining steroid, this weight increase could potentially be doubled.

While running a cutting cycle with Sustanon, it will encourage fat-burning in the body to produce a hard look to the muscles without a massive amount of water retention.

During a calorie deficit, it will preserve muscle and grow lean mass through its anti-catabolic effects. Not forgetting that strength and endurance will both be dramatically increased during the Sustanon cycle!

Reviews on Sustanon 250 from real bodybuilders

So, we have talked about what Sustanon 250 is, how to take it, and what it goes well with. But now let’s find out what bodybuilders truly think of the steroid.

Positive Sustanon reviews generally comment on the amount of strength and muscle gains that can be achieve with the use of this steroid with a very low dose and frequency of use. The only negative reviews about Sustanon that some impatient bodybuilders post is the fact that gains are achieved very slowly. But, in most people’s opinion, the results are worth the wait. Experienced bodybuilders also like to remind new users that potent steroids can be very dangerous, so it is necessary to take them sensibly. You need to understand what, how and most importantly why you need them in the first place. After that, the correct compliance with the instructions for use and dosages will contribute to amazing results.

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How to Take Winstrol for Mass and Strength?

how to take winstrol

Winstrol (Stanozolol) is an anabolic steroid that is available in oral and injectable form. It is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivative that has strong anabolic and weak androgenic effects. Although available in an aqueous solution for injection, the drug is most often taken in pills, so it is perfect for those who are afraid of injections.

Winstrol has a lot of popularity among athletes appearing on stage in bodybuilding (many pros have won Mr Olympia with steroids like Winstrol) since its main properties include burning fat and water removal, giving the body a highly defined look.

What to Know Before the Cycle

Winstrol helps to achieve amazing results in cutting and drying cycles, but before starting a stanozolol cycle, you first need to know how to use the steroid in the correct way, which we will explain.

1. Decide which form of Winstrol you will use; oral or injectable. This will determine the required dosage and frequency of use of stanozolol, as well as the length of the cycle. Keep in mind that the injectable version is a water-based steroid, so injections can be quite painful.

2. Consider running a testosterone as a base steroid to the Winstrol cycle. When running a short cycle of Winstrol (up to 6 weeks), a testosterone base is not entirely necessary. However, running even a low dose of testosterone during the cycle can be beneficial for preserving hormonal function. It will also allow you to achieve the best results from the cycle.

3. Never run another potent oral steroid with Winstrol pills in a cycle. Although many professional bodybuilders and experienced steroid users do this on regular basis, it is not advised for those who are not completely aware of how to avoid liver damage. Stanozolol is considered highly toxic to the liver so only a very mild oral like Anavar can be safely stacked with oral Winstrol in a cycle.

4. Do not skip post-cycle therapy, in any case. Many people think that oral steroids don’t require PCT, but this is one of the most common misconceptions. During a Winstrol cycle, your body is exposed to multiple stresses and changes, so by the end of the cycle, you still need to give it a chance to repair.

Popular Stanozolol benefits

Now that we have shared with you the valuable tips for an effective stanozolol cycle, we’d like to tell you about the benefits of Winstrol.

Water removal

The main reason why Winstrol is so adored in the bodybuilding world, and why it has such an edge over other steroids, is that it has a unique diuretic effect. This means that when taking stanozolol, any excess water weight will be rapidly excreted from the body, leaving all muscles of the body (biceps, triceps, and the rest) looking extremely defined.


In addition to water removal, fat removal will also take place during the cycle. Winstrol has a great fat-burning effect when you combine your cycle with a strict sports diet and regular exercise.

Power increase

Winstrol is also known to increase strength and endurance limits, which ensures better workouts. The steroid will also improve recovery time after intense physical stress. 

Lean muscle gain

Stanozolol is also able to increase lean muscle mass during the cycle, while preventing any catabolic action in the muscles.

How to Take Winstrol Solo?

For a solo stanozolol cycle, the duration should never be any longer than 6 weeks, with 4 weeks being the recommended cycle length. This is true for both oral and injectable Winstrol. Taking injectable stanozolol for longer than 6 weeks solo can seriously suppress natural hormone production. If oral stanozolol is taken for longer than 6 weeks, it will suppress your hormones and also poses a threat to the liver.

In terms of Winstrol dosages, they are slightly different depending on which form of stanozolol is being taken.

Read more about Hgh Hormone, What Does Hgh Do  

Oral Winstrol dosage

Winstrol pills should ideally be taken by men in a dosage of 30-50mg per day. For women taking oral Winstrol, a daily dosage of no more than 5-10mg is advised. Since the half-life of oral stanozolol is about 8-9 hours, daily dosages should be split into 2 or 3 smaller doses taken evenly spaced apart throughout the day.

Injectable Winstrol dosage

Winstrol injections for men should stay in the dosage range of 50-100mg per day. Women should inject no more than 15-20mg of this steroid. The injectable stanozolol half-life is roughly 18-24 hours so injections only need to be done once per day. However, like any water-based steroid, injections may be painful and cause slight irritation at the injection site. Therefore, it is advised to rotate injections sites each day.

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What Steroids can be Combined with Winstrol

There are several good options that you can combine Winstrol with. In addition to a Masteron propionate cycle, a Winstrol cycle is aimed at drying the body and creating muscle definition while preserving muscle mass.

The first cycle could be – Sustanon + Winstrol + Dianabol. Together, these anabolic steroids will promote muscle building and fat burning at the same time. Sustanon along with Dianabol (or Methane) will increase muscle mass, and Winstrol will help get rid of water and fat. Read our Sustanon 250 info article to discover more Sustanon cycles.

The second type of Winstrol cycle is Testosterone Propionate + Winstrol. This short ester testosterone will enhance lean muscle mass, while Winstrol removes body fat. Winstrol can also be beneficial for fluid removal where Test Cyp and Testo Enan use in bodybuilding causes too much water retention.

Winstrol Post-Cycle Therapy: “What and When” instructions

Post-cycle therapy after a Winstrol cycle will not only restore hormonal function but will also help to preserve the gains from the cycle.

It is advised to start PCT the day after the Winstrol cycle has ended. The best drug for Winstrol PCT is Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) in a dosage of 50mg for 14 days.

Winstrol Side Effects

If you stick to the recommended Winstrol dosages, the steroid is unlikely to cause bad side effects. Obviously, if used in the incorrect way, Winstrol can cause damage to the liver and testosterone suppression, but these are both avoidable.

The only notable side effect of Winstrol that may appear even with proper use of the steroid is dry joints and ligaments arising from the water removal process. This may cause them to become sore and painful after intense workouts. One way to avoid this side effect is by combining Winstrol with a wet steroid like Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP), which adds synovial fluid to these areas of the body as lubrication.  

Stanozolol Results: Before and After

Winstrol can significantly transform your body as long as you have the right diet, training program and body type (those that are even slightly overweight will not receive the same benefits as someone who already has a low bodyfat percentage). With hard work and dedication in just one cycle you can expect:

An increase in lean muscle – Typically, a Winstrol cycle will allow you to gain up to 15lbs of lean muscle mass from increased strength and endurance levels.

A reduction in bodyfat – Winstrol can burn fat, even in stubborn areas, creating a leaner more muscular look to the body.

An overall drying effect – Once excess water has been removed from the body during the Winstrol cycle, the muscles will have more definition, the skin will look thinner, and veins will be more pronounced.

Winstrol reviews

Most bodybuilders love Winstrol and the results they can gain from taking the steroid before a competition or show. It is one of the most effective steroids for sucking water out of the body to create an exceptionally ripped appearance to the physique. For this reason, many bodybuilders like Ronnie Coleman call Winstrol the ultimate drying steroid.

Harm and Side Effects of Anabolic Steroids

side effects of anabolic steroids

Anabolic steroids are drugs that are synthetic copy of the hormone testosterone. They help to build muscle, make you stronger and tougher. For this reason, the use of anabolic steroids was widespread in bodybuilders.

It should be noted that initially, steroids were invented for treatment. Them used and used for more rapid bone healing in fractures, for increasing body mass dystrophy, General weakening of the body and in the other cases. Effect build muscle like not only the doctors, but also the bodybuilders who literally fought his body for every gram. And part of our everyday life on steroids.

If You ever read the annotations to the drug, even to the same “Citramon”, then just know about the “side effects”. Not without most of these actions and steroids. Of course, many say that if long to take the drug, it will not affect the work of the body. But muscle when using anabolic steroids begin to grow, right? It means that the body responds to them. Therefore, in the future, he will have either to forget or to not have them as a Supplement to the muscles, and as a medicine. And this is not a joke.

How Anabolic Steroids affect a person?

That You knew exactly what to expect from taking anabolic steroids, just review the material presented below.

1. The decrease in testosterone, endurance. If You start taking artificial testosterone, Your endocrine system gives a signal to the body that this hormone too much. It is no longer being produced, and You are hoisted to the eternal needle. Of course, testosterone can be restored, but it is very long and complicated process.

2. Gynecomastia. This increase in breast cancer. Breast men are not “swinging”, and just droops. This disease is also treatable, but in some cases pills are not enough, you need surgery.

3. Damage to the liver. If You have, so to speak, a weak liver, then the anabolic steroids is better not to think. They very negatively affect this body, especially drugs in tablets. Destruction happens quickly, and restore the body fully extremely hard, if not impossible.

4. Depression and depression. When taking steroids is addictive. That is, the body gets used to the intake of the hormone and stops to work. If you take the drug for a while and then abruptly stop doing it, You will notice that become less active. The mass will cease to grow and may even start to decrease, hormones will be missed, resulting in You will have depression, which can lead to depression and other nervous disorders.

5. Acne (acne pimples). If they are taking steroids often have pimples on the face and body, especially in men. The fact that the skin begins to secrete more sebaceous acids, which leads to such skin diseases.

6. Virilization. It’s a side effect of steroids applies to girls who are engaged in bodybuilding and taking anabolic steroids. Virilization is the appearance of the female secondary sexual characteristics men. For example, begin to grow hair on the face and body, acne appears, the voice coarse. In some cases, can even begin to develop male genitals. So, dear women, be very careful with steroids.

7. Stop growth. Up to 25 years to take steroids are unsafe, as the organism grows, formed all its systems. The disruption of this process can lead to stunting or impotence at an early age.

In addition, drugs are other side effects:

  • increase of level of cholesterol;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • the malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • cramps; headaches;
  • decrease in sexual desire.

And now, after reading the article, think about whether You need to take steroids? Their harm is proved science, and if there is no indication for the use of or recommendation of a physician, it is best just to start eating healthier, going to the gym and grow muscles naturally.

Using steroids, You guarantee yourself a beautiful body, but health problems will arise in the near future. Of course, everything can be cured. But then there is a legitimate question. And is it worth it? Whether to drink the pills for two weeks, then to 25 years to treat impotence or recover the loose liver? I think the answer is obvious.

Read alsoabout SARMs or Steroids

To Summarize

Athletes and bodybuilders say that everything must be approached wisely. For a beautiful body you need to do, anyway. Don’t believe? Then look at the transfer of about the same bodybuilders. They consider every gram of food, calculate the fats, proteins and carbohydrates, are constantly ruled by training programs and their schedules. They believe periodic: no harmful substances, is a harmful number, muscular chest. And combine anabolics with exercise.

If You are a beginner, the dangers of steroids for You are obvious. Better try yourself in the hall, and after two years of training and decide for yourself what You really want. For now, just accept the fact: steroids are harmful.

Much better is to use sports nutrition, which is developed on the basis of whey protein and allows you to pump up healthy and strong muscles. Proteins, amino acids, creatine will help you when playing sports and most importantly won’t hurt.

Quality sports nutrition I bought a sports online store.

The best 4 sport supplements that you need for sure

sports supplementsHey Guys. In today’s lesson we are going be taking on a multi billion dollar supplement  industry and we gonna reveal to you guys which muscle building supplements are actually worth your money. There is a ton of hype and confusion out there when it comes to the topic of proper supplementation so we strongly recommend that you watch through this entire lesson as it can save you a ton of money and a ton of wasted time and all the products out there and all the misleading information that you have been fed.I am not affiliated with any supplement company and my only interest is in getting you guys good honest useful information that you can apply to your program. Now let me one thing absulutely clear before we get started, that is the supplement are not a mandatory part of an effective muscle building program. as long as you pay close attention to your diet, and you train hard, then you can definitely build an impressive muscular body without using any supplements at all. That said, if your goal is to maximize your muscle size and strength gains over the shortest period of time, then there are a few products that definitely can speed up your result if you implement them properly into your program. so in today’s lesson, im gonna be out letting my four recommended supplement that i believe should be included in your program if you wanna get every possible edge that you can. We are just gonna give you a very basic and brief overview of each product, so lets get started.

Sports nutrition supplements

The first supplement in the list the a basic whey protein powder. Now whey protein is what i would consider the grand daddy of all body building supplement because if there is one product that i do recommend, whey protein would be it. Weight protein is the highest quality protein that you can put in your body endurance, its a complete source of protein, meaning that it contains all eight of the essential amino acid, its also has a very high bio availability, which means that your body is gonna absorb a very high percentage of the protein and whey is also a very in amino acids which play an important role in preventing any muscular breakdown. Not on the whey is the highest source of protein out there, but because of its liquid nature, its also very convenient for body builders. Im sure as you probably know, if you really wanna see impressive gain in muscle size, then you need to be consuming about 5-7 small meals a day spaced every 2-3 hours. Now it is possible to that from whole foods, but for a lot of people it just not practical and thats where whey protein comes in handy because its gonna help you steamline your entire program by letting you replace about 2 -3 of your solid food meals by the simple liquid shake. 

The second supplement on the list is a basic creatine monohydrate, Now i know there’s a lot of anti supplement people out there who dont recommend creatine, but the basic fact of the matter is that creatine is the most widely research sport supplement in the world and to put it simply, it works. Creatine helps increase your strenght in the gym, which gonna help you push more weight and build more lean muscle as a result. It increases muscle cell volumization by increasing the amount of water thats stored in your muscle. it helps to decrease lactic acid buildup, decrease mental fatigue, and it also helps to improve your recovery in between your work outs. Body weight gains the range of 5-10 pounds over just a 3-4 weeks period are not uncommon with creatine use and if you are serious about your progress i would recommend that you atleast give creatine hydrate a try.

The third supplement on the list is a basic high protein multivitamin. its very important that you realize that as a person whose training intensely with weight 3-4 days per week or more and whole following a high protein diet, your vitamin and mineral requirements are alot higher than that of an average individual. not only that, but if your body is deficient with just a single vitamin or mineral it can literally have a negative impact on thousands of processes that are going on in your body. for that reason, id recommend that you include a high protein multivitamin each day as part of your program to keep all of those little processes in your body running smoothly.

The final supplement that im gonna recommend are essential fatty acids. These are known as the good fats. They have literally thousands of positive benefits inside your body the most notable of which are increase in anabolic hormone levels, improving insulin action, increasing energy production and increasing your fat burning metabolism. the great way to obtain he benefits of the essential fatty acids that have to offer is through the supplementation of the healthy oils, muscular chest. Now im not gonna go with all the details here but i get my essential fatty acids by supplementing with xxx oil and fish oil. i mix my xxx oil with my protein shakes and fish oil i consume it in capsule form. 

And there you have it. these are the 4 basic pillars of an effective muscle building supplementation program. If you are serious about getting the edge that you can both in and out of the gym, these are the only 4 products that i truly recommend.

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Harm and Side Effects of Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroids are drugs that are synthetic copy of the hormone testosterone. They help to build muscle, make you stronger…

Anabolic steroids are drugs that are synthetic copy of the hormone testosterone. They help to build muscle, make you stronger and tougher. For this reason, the use of anabolic steroids was widespread in bodybuilders.It should be noted that initially, steroids were invented for treatment. Them used and used for more…

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Winstrol (Stanozolol) is an anabolic steroid that is available in oral and injectable form. It is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivative…

Winstrol (Stanozolol) is an anabolic steroid that is available in oral and injectable form. It is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivative that has strong anabolic and weak androgenic effects. Although available in an aqueous solution for injection, the drug is most often taken in pills, so it is perfect for those…

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Sustanon Beginner Cycle: Fill instruction

Sustanon Beginner Cycle: Fill instruction

By itself, Sustanon 250 represents the combination of 4 testosterone esters, including testosterone propionate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate, and decanoate. These esters…

By itself, Sustanon 250 represents the combination of 4 testosterone esters, including testosterone propionate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate, and decanoate. These esters are absorbed into the bloodstream at different speeds, which ensures a consecutive release and a uniform effect. Sustanon supports a high concentration of the hormone in the blood throughout the cycle. This…

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