avana-200 on dopingteam.com

Avana 200


Manufacturer: Indian Brand
Substance: Avanafil
Package: 200mg (4 pills)

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  • Brand name: Avana-200 Avanafil Tablet 200 mg
  • Manufacturer: Sunrise Remedies Pvt. Ltd.
  • Country: India
  • Product: tablets
  • Packing: blister, 4 tablets
  • Active substance: avanafil 200 mg
  • Effect duration: 6 hours
  • Performance: 15 min.
  • Features: quick action, maximum dosage

Drugs for increasing the potency on the basis of Avanafil, in particular Avana-200 Avanafil Tablet 200 mg, have a number of contraindications and side effects, as well as they are incompatible with certain medicines. Before taking, you should read the instructions for use of Avanafil , as well as consult with your doctor.

Avanafil 200 mg Avana from Sunrise Remedies

Avana-200 from the well-known manufacturer – Sunrise Remedies Pvt. Ltd is used to treat erectile dysfunction and contains the maximum possible dose of Avanafil 200 mg. The increased dosage is used only in the treatment of complicated cases of erectile dysfunction. This drug guarantees a powerful effect in a record short time – in 15 minutes and in very rare cases leads to the appearance of side effects.

It is beneficial to buy tablets with 200 mg of Avanafil and for the sake of economy with a slight weakening of potency – by dividing the tablets, dosage reduction is achieved and used several times.

Within the Avana series, products are available with various dosages – 50, 100 and 200 mg. Since the recommended and safe daily dose of Avanafil is 100 mg , it is permissible to take only ½ tablets Avana-200 per day.

The active component of the drug stimulates blood flow to the penis and helps maintain a strong erection for 6 hours. However, Avanafil is not intended to prolong sexual contact. If a man experiences difficulties not only with the retention of the erection, but also suffers from premature ejaculation, then you can pay attention to the combined funds from the same series – Top Avana and Super Avana.

Leading pharmacologists have developed a modern tool Avan 200 mg, helping men with erectile dysfunction to establish a quality and full sex life, provide a stable erection and give pleasure to a sexual partner. Buy Avana 200 mg can be on our website, after consulting with a doctor.

The drug is taken about half an hour before the proposed proximity, with enough drinking water. The maximum effect is achieved, as a rule, in an hour, and can last several hours, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Principle of drug action

As part of the Avan 200 mg is an active substance, avanafil. By itself, the element does not cause an erection, but it initiates a consistent chain of chemical reactions in the male body. Their final result is nitric oxide. It accumulates in the smooth muscles of the penis, relaxes them, thereby increasing the flow of blood to the cavernous bodies. They increase in size, and there comes a confident and prolonged erection. If you find yourself having problems with potency, you should definitely buy Avana 200 mg from us, our prices are lower than the average in the domestic market.

The drug Avan 200 mg has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • anatomical deformation of the penis;
  • priapism, a prolonged and painful erection;
  • recently suffered heart attack or stroke;
  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • renal or hepatic insufficiency.

It is highly not recommended to buy Avan 200 mg if you take nitrates. They can cause significant changes in blood pressure, which will lead to unpredictable consequences.

The most important distinguishing feature of Avan 200 mg is its ability to combine with small doses of alcohol. Taking a drug before a date, you can after a meeting with a partner drink with him up to three glasses of wine or up to three hundred grams of vodka. Studies have confirmed that such doses do not affect the effect of the drug, and do not affect the overall health of sexual intimacy. Buy Avana 200 mg is beneficial to us, we offer affordable for most consumers the cost.

The drug Avan 200 mg does not cause harm to health, and side effects – short and moderately expressed. These include worsening of hearing or vision, back pain, inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. If you do not find any negative symptoms after taking, contact us to buy Avana 200 mg to our online store site.

Problems with sex life are now familiar not only to older men. They are faced and quite young guys. The reasons for this can be a variety of factors, among which:

  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • incorrect mode of the day;
  • neglected diseases;
  • stress for work;
  • self-doubt and much more.

The problem of erectile dysfunction is now solved quite simply. It’s enough just to buy Avana 200 on our site in order to understand that sexual pleasure can be fully received. If you have faced such problems at least once, then you should think about buying Avan 200. This is the maximum allowable dosage of the drug for the most neglected cases. However, by purchasing this particular drug, you have the opportunity to save considerably. If you buy Avan 200, then you can simply divide the pill into several parts before use. Before taking this medication, we recommend that you consult with your doctor. Buy Avana 200 today is very simple and safe, but despite all clinical studies, this drug has a number of side effects.

Quality preparation for potency

In recent years, the purchase of drugs that increase potency, has become quite common. Many men have long solved the problem with erectile dysfunction and stopped running around different doctors. It’s enough just to buy Avan 200 and forget that you once worried before intercourse. Among the distinctive advantages of this particular drug is worth noting that with it you will forget about what fast sex is. Deciding to buy Avan 200, a man can expect a long and steady erection for 4-6 hours. Also Avan 200 is much cheaper than the most popular drug from this line – Viagra. In this case, the spectrum of its action is absolutely no different. Buy Avana 200 can afford a person with any income level. In this case, the most profitable and reliable purchase you make on our website, and not in the usual pharmacy, where you will be offered a high price and, perhaps, not the best quality generic. If you decide to buy Avan 200, it’s only worth doing with us. A huge number of satisfied customers have already appreciated all the advantages of cooperation with us.

Features of Avanafil 200 mg:

    • the appearance of an erection within 10-15 minutes;
    • a long period of validity – up to 6 hours, and sometimes more;
    • low risk of side effects;
  • perfect compatibility with alcohol.

アバナフィル 200mg 通販

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