Altamofen-10 on



Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Substance: Tamoxifen (Tamoxifen Citrate)
Package: 10mg (50 pills)

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The drug Altamofen 10 (Tamoxifen)

The active compound in the composition of Altamofen 10 is Tamoxifen. This substance belongs to the group of antitumor agents having antihormonal activity. Its use is indicated in the treatment of various forms of malignant breast tumors in both men and women, as well as in the treatment of endometrial cancer.

Acquisition of the drug

Having addressed to us, you can always rely on the qualified help of our consultant. He will tell you in detail about the nuances of using the drug and will advise you on the topic of its purchase and delivery. 
Remember: with us you can buy Altamofen 10 (Tamoxifen)exclusively on an individual order. In this case, by contacting us, you can be sure that:

  • ordering from us Altamofen 10 the price for it can change – the final amount will depend on the current special offers;
  • we will find any required drug within one day;
  • we will deliver directly to your hands, which will take no more than three days;
  • the preparation will be transported with observance of all necessary requirements, including the temperature regime;
  • all information is strictly confidential.

Have you decided to purchase Altamofen  10 (Tamoxifen) at a low cost? Then just leave a request on our website. After this, our employee will contact you and tell you the current value of Altamofen 10(Tamoxifen), and also answer the questions that you have.

Mechanism of action

Altamofen 10 (tamoxifen) has the ability to bind to estrogen receptors located on the surface of tumor cells. Thus, it competitively blocks the action of natural estrogen and disrupts one of the important mechanisms of growth of estrogen-dependent tumors.

Recent Clinical Studies

If you need Altamofen 10, you can buy it in our clinic very simply. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the clinical trial data of this preparation. 
The last large-scale study using Altamofen 10 (Tamoxifen) was devoted to the study of the efficacy and safety of its use in conjunction with Zoladex. This combination provided the so-called “complete estrogen blockade” in patients with breast cancer. The study involved 115 people. When analyzing the data obtained, it was found that this combination of drugs, in comparison with the use of Zoladex alone, increased by about one and a half times:

  • the frequency of objective responses to treatment;
  • period of time to progression of pathology;
  • survival time of patients;
  • chances of regression of the tumor.

Instructions for use of Altamofen 10

The standard dosage of Altamofen 10 (tamoxifen) is 20-40 mg, which are taken every day orally once or in two divided doses.Treatment with the drug – a long and is carried out until the appearance of progression pathology.

Special instructions:

Before starting treatment with Altamofen 10, women should undergo a thorough gynecological (pregnancy exclusion) and therapeutic examination.

Causes ovulation, which increases the risk of pregnancy, so women of reproductive age need to use reliable methods of contraception (non-hormonal) during treatment and for 3 months after the end of treatment.

During the period of therapy, it is necessary to periodically monitor the blood clotting parameters, the concentration of Ca2 + in the blood, the blood picture (leukocytes, platelets), liver function indicators, blood pressure, see the oculist every 3 months, gynecological examination (when bloody vaginal discharge or vaginal bleeding occurs the drug should be discontinued).

In patients with bone metastases from time to time during the initial period of treatment should determine the concentration of Ca2 + in the blood serum (in the case of severe hypercalcemia receiving Altamofen 10 should be suspended). It is not effective in the treatment of patients with metastases (especially in the liver).

If signs of thrombosis of the lower extremities (leg pain or swelling), thromboembolism, pulmonary artery branches (shortness of breath), the drug should be discontinued.

In patients with hyperlipidemia, the concentration of cholesterol and TG in serum should be monitored during treatment.

During treatment with Altamofen 10 should be careful when driving and other lesson. Potentially hazardous activities that require high concentration and psychomotor speed reactions.


Reception of Altamofen 10 enhances the effect of anticoagulants of indirect action (careful monitoring is required to correct the dose of anticoagulants).

Cytotoxic drugs increase the risk of thrombosis.

Allopurinol promotes the development of hepatotoxic effects.

The combined use of Altamofen 10 and tegafur can cause active chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver .

The simultaneous use of Altamofen 10 with other hormonal drugs (especially estrogen-containing contraceptives) leads to a weakening of the specific effects of both drugs.

Drugs that reduce the excretion of Ca2 + (eg diuretics of the thiazide series), may increase the risk of hypercalcemia.

Antacids, H2-histamine receptor blockers, and other drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice can cause premature dissolution and loss of protective effect of the enteric tablets. The interval between taking Altamofen 10 and these drugs should be 1-2 hours.

Drug Interactions

Altamofen 10 (tamoxifen) is not recommended for use with drugs that reduce blood coagulation, as well as various cytostatic agents.

Side effect of Altamofen 10

Before you buy Altamofen 10, you need to familiarize yourself with the undesirable effects of its use. If you find these symptoms, you need to see a doctor.

  • paroxysmal feeling of heat;
  • bleeding and discharge from the vagina;
  • genital itching;
  • bone pain;
  • increase in body weight when appetite deteriorates;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • depressive conditions;
  • constipation;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • increased body temperature;
  • visual disturbances;
  • rash on the skin;
  • amenorrhea or dysmenorrhea.

The shelf life of the drug Altamofen 10 (tamoxifen) is 5 years.

クエン酸タモキシフェン 10mg 通販