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Pharma Mix-1


Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Substance: Testosterone Phenylpropionate, Testosterone Cypionate, Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise)
Package: 10ml vial (450mg/ml)

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Testosterone Phenylpropionate

Testosterone Course Phenylpropionate

The drug is used very often for drying, although it can also be used to build muscle mass no less effectively.

On average, the course takes place at 6 weeks, taking injections of 200 mg every 2 days. When using the drug, it is necessary to suppress the side effect, which can be done with the help of estrogens.

To suppress these signs, a special scheme has also been developed. With a long course of taking the drug, more than 6 weeks, although it is not recommended, it is necessary to administer the drug Gonadotropin.

The best results are achieved when receiving injections every two to three days or a couple of times in 7 days. Passing the testosterone course of phenylpropionate, it is necessary to consider the importance of proper nutrition. The correct diet is needed when building muscle mass and strength, and complex sports nutrition with increasing muscle mass. Without such important factors, taking a steroid will not give a decent result.

Combination with other drugs

The use of the ether can be either solo or in combination with some other anabolic means:

  • Nandrolone;
  • Trenbolone;
  • Turinabol;
  • Methane;
  • Primobolan;
  • Stanozolol.

The combination takes place at the request of the consuming, but it is necessary to limit the dosage to a level at which the total amount of the injected substance will not be greater than the volume calculated for the course of taking testosterone alone alone without combination.

The combination of drugs makes it possible to achieve maximum effect. In this case, one drug strengthens the effect of the other and as a result, you can get a greater effect than taking any one of the steroids.

Testosterone Cypionate


Like all injectable forms of testosterone, cypionate causes a significant increase in muscle mass and strength during the cycle. Because testosterone is easily converted into estrogens, approximately 30% of the mass will be taken up by a fluid that is quickly lost after the course is over.

For the same reason, testosterone cypionate is not suitable for a cycle. Excess estrogen levels caused by this drug can lead quite quickly to the development of gynecomastia, which manifests as tenderness, swelling, or tightness in the nipple region. To prevent this, auxiliary drugs ( Nolvadex or Clomid ) are used. Antiestrogens minimize the effect of estrogens, and reduce the effect of anabolic steroids in a directional way. It is best to use aromatase blockers.


Despite the fact that the duration of the drug is quite large, injections are performed once a week to keep the concentration constantly high.

The average single dose is 250-500 mg per week, in order to gain muscle mass. The drug gives good results in the course of “solo”. Practice shows that doses above 800-1000 mg do not lead to better results, but the risk of side effects increases dramatically.

As mentioned above, to block the action of estrogens, it is necessary to use Tamoxifen (10 mg per day, starting from the second week of the cycle and finishing its reception 2 weeks after the end of taking testosterone). More preferable option: use during the course of  Proviron. After the end of the administration of testosterone, Proviron should be replaced with Tamoxifen, to restore the secretion of its own testosterone. The use of antiestrogens reduces the accumulation of fluid in the body, and also suppresses the development of gynecomastia. Be sure to read the article about  PCT .

If the course duration exceeds 4 weeks, gonadotropin should be used   500 IU, once a week for the entire course, starting at 3 weeks.

Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise)

Balanced, Also known as boldenone undecylenate or eq, Is a veterinary steroid developed by ciba, Being a form of long-acting injectable dianabol.

The intended use was in the industry of horses and cattle. In general, the eqv is supplied in an oil suspension, which can be administered to the animal every 6 weeks. There is no legal version of boldenone undecylenate, approved by any government anywhere in the world for human use. All equipment on the market or from approved veterinary laboratories, or produced in underground laboratories designed for the black market. Although this is meant as a veterinary steroid, boldenone is powerful enough when used by humans.

Equipoise is considered that equipoise is very similar to deca durabolin (nandrolone decanoate). This assumption was partly based on the comments that the late Dan Duchaine made about the steroid. However, these two compounds are absent. Similarly, in any case; in fact, Duchaine declined the application, But the initial statement was enough to revive the rumor.

If equipoise shares something in common with another anabolic steroid hormone, It will be testosterone, But eq, as it is commonly known, is uniquely at its discretion. It is important to note the differences in these two steroid hormones; Nandrolone has a strong progestin character, whereas boldenone does not possess progestin properties.

Applications boldenone undecylenate / equipoise / eq:

Boldenone undecylenate is a derivative of testosterone, which has a strong anabolic effect and is only mildly androgenic. This provides a slow but steady and consistent increase in the quality of mass and strength along with good relief.

The best results are achieved when balancing is combined with other steroids. It is considered to be stronger and slightly more androgenic than the decanate of nandrolone. it is cheaper, and can quite replace the Deca in most cycles.

another great effect of boldenone is its ability to increase the number of red blood cells to a much greater extent than most other anabolic steroids, although not. as many as injections of EPO. In addition, users tend to report increased appetite.

トレン E、ドロスタン E、およびテスト E ステロイド ミックス 10mg/ml 通販