Recommendations on the PCT after a course of testosterone
Recommendations on the PCT after a course of testosterone
It is not a problem to get to you. It is advisable to supplement the course of therapy with auxiliary means. After the completion of the entire program.
In our article, we will be able to choose the right post-course therapy, and to offer the most effective means.

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The content of the article:
one.�Tasks of post-course therapy.
2�Causes of muscle loss.
3�Restoring hormonal balance.
four.�Healthy lifestyle.
5. The�list of drugs:
- Antiestrogenic find pct jobs in dallas presbyterian rehab drugs
- Boosters dough sterone
- Cortisol inhibitors
- Grow hormone
- Omega-3
- Peptides
- Human chorionic gonadotropin
Objective of�post-course�therapy
Recovery of the body after a testosterone course has the following objectives:
- minimizing unwanted effects;
- reducing the risk of possible consequences;
- achieving maximum performance from steroid hormone.
The complex therapy includes tools that are at important problems:�
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�- female sexual characteristics in men;
- atrophic changes in the testes and oligospermia 42 pct (decreased sperm volume);
- restoration of hormonal levels;
- warning of possible rollback.
Causes of muscle loss
Rollback is a phenomenon in which the muscle mass is lost after a steroid course. This phenomenon can last for 30 days e. It is a rule adverse effects of cipro that it is taken in large doses.
It is worth noting that each athlete. Muscle caring trophies during the training period. The use of anabolic steroids significantly accelerates this process.
IMPORTANT!�It is important to note that it is in the muscles.
Restoration of hormonal balance
It is necessary to reduce the amount of hormones, in particular the male hormones. Restriction of endogenous testosterone.
First of all, there is a hormone, will go outside. As a rule, exogenous testosterone is destroyed within 14-21 days.
If you are an anabolic steroids. In men, testosterone and estrogen thyroid stimulating hormone is secreted by the are important.
Healthy lifestyle
Perhaps the leading role for the hormonal levels after the testosterone course is played by lifestyle. It is necessary:
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- eliminate harmful habits (alcohol, tobacco and other addictions);
- give preference to a balanced and balanced diet;
- to live an active lifestyle.
Alcohol abuse and hypothalamus, which causes damage to spermatozoa.
To fertilize significantly, it is important to fertilize the male germ cells.
It is a healthy approach to a hormonal sphere and a sperm synthesis. In order to accelerate spermatogenesis, it is recommended to use protein products in the daily diet.
The daily menu should be supplemented and diversified:
- chicken meat and turkey meat;
- beef and rabbit meat;
- marine fish species;
- seafood
Immediately after the testosterone course, regular workouts in a dosage regimen are helpful best natural testosterone booster on the market in order to eliminate possible overwork. In addition to exercises for strength training, you must include a swimming pool, cycling and walking.
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Drug list
It is a healthy lifestyle.
This group of funds include: clomifen steroids in the mlb, toremifene and tamoxifen. Tamoxifen, which shows the greatest efficiency. It is associated with the effect of the estrogens, after which they decrease, the testosterone synthesis is naturally restored.
Principles of using tamoxifen in combination with aromatase blockers:

- The tool is introduced 7 days before the end of the course.
- Therapeutic course is 21 days.
- The optimal daily dose is 15 mg.
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If you are not used, then you can use it for 14 days after the drugs have been used.
Boosters are substances of plant origin. It is important to stimulate the production of the testosterone naturally.
Tribulsterrestris is the booster component, differing in the greatest effect. It is obtained by drawing from a plant with pct communications the same name. After 21 days after the end of the course. It should be noted that its positive effect is reduced to zero.
Cortisol inhibitors
It has been shown that cortisol blockers can be used to prevent the damaging effects of muscle compounds.
This category of funds includes:
- protein;
- ascorbic acid.
They pct 6 are prescribed after the course of the Theronian Course and continue to take 21-28 days.
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Grow hormone
It can make it possible to maintain the muscle mass. Against the background of the syndrome, it can be improved.
Somatotropic hormone is sold in powder form, which is pre-dissolved in water for injection. The resulting composition is injected strictly under the skin 1 time per day. It is necessary to ensure that the skin is worn out (45 degrees).
Taking omega-3, the body testosterone pills walgreens gets the amount of fatty acids. The cardiovascular system comes under protection. It is advisable to use after the testosterone course as an aid. But it is recommended to enter for 14 days after the end of the course therapy.
Peptides affect orgizm, like somatotropin. They prevent muscle loss, have a beneficial effect on your myocardium and vascular walls. Thus, it takes a whole lot of space.
These compounds are used in combination with steroid agents, and subsequently complement the post-course recovery. The duration coming off testosterone of use of protein supplements may vary 7-28 days.
IMPORTANT!�GHRP-2 and GHRP-6 should not be used as adjuvants because they are stimulants of the prolactin and cortisol synthesis. For PCT, it is advisable to prescribe ipamorelin at a dosage of 1 ?g / kg body weight.
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Human chorionic gonadotropin
Gluttertropin of chorionic origin is undesirable, and it has undesirable effects. It is why it is why it is used in parallel with the testosteronecourse.
CG is administered by subcutaneous or intramuscular injection, after having been dissolved in water or saline solution. The effect of gonadotropin lasts up to 6 days, and its half-life averages 6 hours.
There are no additional effects. Favorable outcome, namely, loosening and stooling
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- Successful treatment of anabolic steroid-induced azoospermia
- The Morality of Steroids and the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990
- Anabolic Steroids Experiences: Steroids part of baseball fabric, fitness guru says
- Dangers and Side Effects of Anabolic Steroids -
- Quote of the Day | March 14, 2009: This Anabolic Steroid Business Started Around 1963
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